
Insulated Wall Panels

EWS Texas is the premier Dallas/Fort Worth designer, fabricator and installer of Insulated Metal Wall Panels.

Insulated Metal Wall Panels are made by injecting a liquid insulating foam between two sheets of metal, either steel or aluminum. Liquid foam is sprayed between two sheet metal skins, fusing to their interior sides and leaving no air space. This results in exceptional thermal performance with R-values as high as 24.1.

Another special characteristic of Insulated Metal Wall Panels is the variety of textured finishes, profiles and thicknesses all available in a multitude of colors and sizes.

Insulated Wall Panels in-use

Insulated Wall Panels in-use

  • +1M Over 1,750,000 sf of IMWP installed.
  • 60K Over 60,000 panels installed.
  • ATMP Backed by industry leading Advanced Thermal and Moisture Protection (ATMP) Technology
  • 24.1 Thermal performance with R-values as high as 24.1.

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